Friday, August 23, 2013

The Terrors of Traveling

Hello everyone! I am writing to you all from the airport at LONDON. Yes I am here. I honestly don't know how I made it here but I did. Traveling is by far the worst and super disastrous but oh well. I arrived to Chicago early from my flight and it was very smooth, no problems what-so-ever. Thinking the other three girls would arrive just shortly after myself, I lugged my two bags around the airport and got some food, read some magazines and sent some last minute texts/snap chats. Time kept going by and the others still hadn't boarded their plane. Then I got a text message saying that they would not be arriving in Chicago until 4:13pm. Now you all probably think that is no problem at all..EXCEPT WE WERE SUPPOSED TO LEAVE CHICAGO AT 4:05pm!!! Yes, panic set in. But I decided I was going to take the higher route and remain calm. I kept informing the lady working at the desk that my friends were coming shortly but I would not be boarding the plane without them; I was going to stay behind and wait so we could all be together as planned. Time kept passing when I finally went up there and they pretty much said that if I didn't board the plane alone I wouldn't be flying at all today and that I would still be flying alone. Now the real me came out...PANIC! Yes I instantly began to ball and let me tell you it was really awkward. I was just standing there in front of them CRYING! Oh well, they already thought I was crazy. Anyways, I ended up being close to the last person to board the plane and had to walk through every single person on the plane while balling!! haha makes for a pretty good story right? So now I am here in London waiting for my friends. They should be arriving here in the next 45 minutes to meet me so we can start our adventure to Greece! I will try to blog again when I get to Greece so that everyone knows we made it safely and HOPEFULLY together! Thanks for all of the support again from everyone. All of the goodbye texts, phone calls, posts, pictures and more were amazing! Can't wait to share stories with everyone. But for now I need to eat something and get ready to check my bags!

The Site-Seeing Softball Player

P.S. I stick out like a sore thumb here, first of all I am drenched in sweat! And secondly I am the only person lugging around two suitcases, a backpack and a duffel bag. Yep. American! Wait until you hear about my first experience on the "Underground" haha its a good one. LOVE YOU ALL.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh! Yay! So happy you made it! :)and that you are already blogging!
