Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Interesting Internship Interview

I'm sure by now that most of you are beginning to wonder if I am here in London to simply just hang out or if I am ever going to be doing any sort of "studying" for this "study abroad" experience. Well you have all the right in the world to wonder that and it IS about to being a student in London. Yesterday I had my "interview" with DBA for the internship that I will begin on Monday. When Mark and Jen informed me about this internship they told me how it would be a great experience and how I would gain a wide variety of skills and knowledge towards my interests. They also said that due to the location of my internship I would be able to save some money and walk each and every day as it was only about 30 minutes from Woburn Place. I was immediately super stoked that I wouldn't have to spend MORE MONEY on transportation. So yesterday morning I decided to go ahead and walk to my internship and see where it was before my scheduled interview at 4:00pm. WOWZERS! Let's just say that they were a little off on their directions and I will NOT be walking there and back twice a week, I will be taking the tube.

So you are probably wondering what DBA is all about. DBA (Design Business Association) is a business that aids other larger design corporations in their commercial advertising and marketing tasks. There I will gain skills in advertising, marketing, communication and event planning (helping with this of course). The building I will be working in is glorious. When I approached it outside it was in an alleyway and I was directed to buzz up and ask them to let me in, DBA was on the second floor. So I did ask directed and when I opened the doors to walk in it felt like a movie. The doors opened and wind blew back my hair and then ahhhhhhhhhh I saw the office. It is one large room with desks and computers everywhere, but not like the boring desks and is super modern and reminds me of an office similar to that of Vogue. YES I SAID VOGUE!! Anyways I am very excited to begin my internship on Monday at 9:30am! I will have more details of that afterwards. And if you are further interested in what I will be up to when I begin my "regular schedule" it is as follows:

Monday/Tuesday: Internship from 9:00-5:30
Wednesday: Advertising Class_________(I just know it's in the morning)
Thursday: British Experience Seminar 9:15-11:00 AND Contemporary Britain 11:00-1:00

Yes, seems like a lot of free time...which is GREAT since I am living in London and have tons of stuff to explore! Also, in case any of you want to send me a package filled with pictures, chocolate, chips or just want to write me a letter (hint hint) my address here is:

Mallory Schulenberg
19-29 Woburn Place

And now I believe that is all for now. Tonight we are seeing The Sound of Music in an outdoor theater park-ish thing and having a nice dinner. I will be awake for quite awhile because we have a team meeting back home at 8:00, so 2:00am here so if you need me email or skype! Love you all bunches!

Mind the Gap,
The Site-Seeing Softball Player

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