Thursday, August 29, 2013

Greetings from London! We are almost to the end of our first week in London, and about to begin our crazy and hectic schedules for the semester. Things have been about the same, still getting adjusted to the time difference from home...trying not to sleep until noon everyday is a bit of a challenge but we are handling it. We Skyped into the first team meeting led by the captains a few nights ago and got to see all of our teammates and the new additions as well. It was a bit different than what we were expecting. Although it was quite chaotic with everyone talking and us trying to listen I think we all were slightly more excited to see all of them than they were with us. I'm sure we just took it the wrong way, especially since it was mid-night here and for them only 6:00 pm. Yesterday we just hung out around the area and saw a free museum close to our location. It was The British Museum, apparently the largest one in Europe and let me tell you this thing was huge!! They weren't kidding when they said it was the largest, we spent about two hours inside and didn't see one fourth of the attractions available to look at. Oh and a side note about people from here, they measure distance by minutes, so anytime you ask for directions on how to get someplace they will tell you to walk in a general direction for four minutes then turn and walk another seven and so on, it's a lot different. You need to walk and stare at your clock to know how long until the next turn, yes it looks weird but hey you have to do it if you want to make it on time!! Today we had our advising meetings and got some more information about our internships. I will be interning at the Design Business Association. It is an organization that works with all kinds of designers and companies to help them advertise. I am anxious to have my official interview and start working. We also got our "mobile phones" today, I am being brought back to when I got my first cell phone EVER, yes T9 still exists!! But it was only $10 for unlimited text and 150 minutes of calling so totally worth it. I just finished relaxing a bit and now off to shower for tonight. WE ARE GOING TO SEE WICKED!!!!!! Yes Mom, you read that right, Wicked during the first week I am here! Can't wait. So we have that later on tonight and by tomorrow more people in the program should be arriving. For now I have nothing else exiting to share, but stay tuned for my first week of orientation and such! Love you all and miss you. Also I hope that someone out there has been relaying this information to my grandma. I purchased 10 post cards yesterday but the stamps are more expensive than the cards so might not be sending out all 10 at once!

Thanks for reading and talk to you soon,
The Site-Seeing Softball Player


  1. Mal,

    I will keep Grandma updated, can't wait to hear about your "Wicked" in London!

  2. So happy you're worried about grandma! Haha :)love you!
