Sunday, August 25, 2013

Officially London-ers

Well I am sure that most of you know by now that our planned trip to Greece was a FAIL. Yes, I spent nearly 11 hours in the Heathrow-London airport on Saturday and close to 10 of which were alone. After blogging that I had arrived and checked-in I decided to roam the airport for a while...which in case you were wondering the airport is like a GIANT designer brand store mall, to say the least. But who wants to shop in London...alone...when you are dripping with sweat...and have had about 12 anxiety attacks? NOT THIS GIRL. So I used logical thinking and decided to go right back up and sit outside of the Security area. EVERYONE has to go through Security so I figured I would sit there until the other three came through and we would go from there. Seemed like a great plan to me. I literally sat outside of the Security are for 2 and a half hours people watching and saw NO signs of my friends. Yes I was doing everything...pacing, praying, staring at people and more praying. THEY DIDN'T COME THROUGH. So 45 minutes prior to when our flight should leave I figured I should get to my gate and see if they are there. They weren't there either. PANIC MODE. Finally after more tears were shed there was a phone call from upstairs saying my friends were up there demanding I DON'T GET ON THE FLIGHT. So I didn't. haha. Anyways, long story short...we missed the flight, I got reunited with my friends, we sat outside of baggage claim for four hours, Paige lost luggage and now we are in London for good. I love it here and am happy. We haven't been around TOO much, but definitely have the Underground down to a T and are champs at it. We have already visited Primark twice which is a store that literally has EVERYTHING. It's awesome but is ALWAYS crowded. We also slept in until 1:30PM this afternoon! haha I think we did experience some jet lagging. Don't you agree? haha. So now we are off to the market/store to grab some dinner since it is 7:15pm here we are pretty hungry. Until next time, love you all and can't wait to continue to share my stories!! Pictures will be coming soon.


  1. Can't wait for pictures and did you drop a lot of "lbs" at Primark?

  2. I am sitting here LOLing at your stories! You are too funny. So glad you girls made it safely after some frustrating travels. Have the time of your life, 1-7! Love you!

  3. PS - There are 17 people following you!!

  4. sounds dramatic. perfect! :) miss you!
