Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Our First Night Out

As I am sitting here it is pitch black in our room and super quiet...yes Karlee is still sleeping. It is 9:00am(HERE) and our game plan for the day was to wake up at 10:00 and start exploring. If you remember this is a huge stretch for us as we have gotten up at 2:00pm and noon the past two "mornings" being here. I guess you could say we are having troubles getting used to the time difference huh? haha. So I was sleeping really sound...like the best sleep I have gotten here and then there was some knocking on the door, now this was not alarming because the knocking is how we have been waking the opposite roomies up for the previous days out in London. So in response to the knocking I shouted out "Kallie?" There was no answer but a little more knocking, then our door mysteriously OPENED. Yes, PANIC. I popped up in bed, of course couldn't really get there quickly because I am a newbie to this sleeping in the air...we have bunk beds. So approximately two minutes later I had woken Karlee up and gotten down. Yeah, she is already sleeping again and I am here...WIDE AWAKE. What better time to tell my followers how our first "night out" in London went?

So we decided on Sunday we would make a small "itinerary" for the week so we have some stuff to do, since nobody is here and we think we should see some of London. We heard of this pub/restaurant/bar called The Rocket and let's just say we have a feeling we might become regulars. It was pretty cool and super friendly. Lots of nice people and room to mingle. We FINALLY met some Londoners and learned some culture differences as well as places we should visit...SUCCESS. And of course when we got back to our "home" we skyped some of our besties from home. I would say that the overall night was a complete thumbs up. Now we will just have to see what today has in store for us. I believe we are checking out an "Ice Bar" upon Karlee's request...yes everything in there is made of ice and we even have to wear large Eskimo-ish looking coats. Cool right? Okay well it was nice sharing some information with you all and can't wait to keep updating you! Love you all and keep sleeping amazing there...since it is 3:30AM!!

Love all,
The Site-Seeing Softball Player

P.S. Here are some pictures from last night/yesterday for you:
 This was a goofy picture we took before going out last night, of course we were those weirdos who used a self timer so we could get the whole group!

 And this was when we got to Skype some of our favorites from back home, hoping to see the whole team today on a Skype session during a team meeting...fingers crossed that it works!!

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