Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Okay before I begin updating you on my life I just want to share with the world (my blog followers) that my best friend's fiance has officially arrived in THE UNITED STATES and her arms all the way from AFGHANISTAN!!!! Yes I am so so so proud, happy, emotional, giddy and excited for Kelsey and Andrew to FINALLY be reunited again and if you aren't as excited as I am you will be after you see this picture....

Hahaha yes I am acting like a proud mother all the way in London, but who couldn't be filled with joy after seeing this picture and hearing this news?! Even if you don't know them!! Gosh I am so happy now, as if London wasn't enough to make me high on life THIS IS!!!

Anyyyyyyways back to me living in London. Yesterday was my first "official" day of being a student in London, but don't get your hopes up too high it was only orientation. Gosh I can't believe that I have only been here for a week and two days, it feels like I have been living here for a lot longer than that! So for orientation we sat in a classroom and got to know the people in our program. The program directors are pretty darn snazzy here. We have Mark and Jen. Mark is an older man who has AMAZING style and an adorable personality. He is very bubbly and super easy to talk to. Jen is...pregnant! Ha she is middle aged and from Kansas, yes in the United States. She came to London to study when she was in university (college) as well but fell in love with a British boy and got married, she hasn't gone home since. Don't worry about me though I will be returning to the states and will NOT be eloping here (you're welcome Ant). After we did all of our orientation we had some lunch and then went on a TWO HOUR walking tour of London, but boy did we get to see a lot! We saw a lot of the famous buildings and other monuments which we will return to more to really investigate. Then we ended at a pub where Central College BOUGHT me a drink...yes it's true. I got a hard cider and it was thrilling. I think it was more exciting to share this drink in this pub because of the fact that Central College BOUGHT it. I mean this cider tasted quite alright but I could never pass up the opportunity of that Central College BOUGHT me a drink...haha did I make myself clear enough yet? So yes I am doing fine here, finding some great places to explore, eat at, run and most of all take pictures of random beautiful buildings and architecture. The tube is like second nature to me and walking is rather nice. Tonight we will be going bowling and having pizza, yes I know it sounds SO AMERICAN! But it wasn't my choice, it's part of the program and so IT'S FOR FREE!! When you live in London you DON'T EVER turn down free anything! But for now I will get to figuring out my plans for Host--it's an exchange program where you can visit anywhere and stay with a host family, very excited to experience that! I promise that post cards will be making their way there very soon, once I man up and pay 1.50 per stamp! 

The Site-Seeing Softball Player 

P.S. I am currently having sneeze attacks multiple times a day due to the amount of second-hand smoke I have taken in here, yes everyone smokes here and nope they don't care if you're standing there coughing they will blow it RIGHT into your face!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks friend :) It's been pretty great! see you soon! love you!
