Thursday, September 19, 2013

Holy Hectic Heaven

What a week! Today is only Thursday (night) and it has been one crazy, busy, insanely fast and very demanding week in London. My internship went better than ever on Monday and Tuesday only I actually felt like I was at a real job working a real day in the real world. I was assigned so many tasks that were oh so tedious and lengthy this week but I did make it through every single one and with limited errors. If you ever need a webpage designed, detailed or just formatted I am your girl. Yes, I have officially taken over the updates and designs of the DBA website...for the most part. And speaking of my internship and the process of getting there...gosh the tube is starting to be a whole new story for my life. Let's just say that I am becoming an expert on the tube and am proud of it. I experienced a first for tube stations this week. Yes ladies and gents, I officially stepped onto an escalator for the first time with NO hesitation. Now whether or not I really had a choice on that is a different story, but I did it and that is what matters. I know that I have already informed you that I spend a lot of time at King's Cross Station, but boy is that place a war zone. The best part is I am finally feeling like one of their own at King's Cross so it's great, except I am beginning to get very irritated with all of the outsiders. When I say outsiders I mean: people who stop in the exact middle of traffic, those who (rudely) board the tube before letting people off, and of course people who walk super slow with some type of directions held in front of their faces...yes this happens and the main reason I know is because I was there just two weeks ago! But King's Cross is super super super packed with people and these people do NOT wear deodorant, I can smell when they choose to hang onto the bar above my head in the tube. I think I might start carrying a travel size body spray and give them a spritz whenever I get a wife of BO on the tube...quite often. Also another culture difference here is that when you are on any type of public transportation it is an unwritten rule that you should not make eye contact with anyone there in your presence. So naturally when I am riding home from work I make it a game of how many people I can stare at until I can tell they are uncomfortable. It's GREAT! I just hope someone doesn't blow up on me one of these days! Okay well enough about my tube ranting. To wrap things up I have had one busy busy busy week but still made time to talk to quite a few lovely teammates, one amazing family AND the best boyfriend in the world. OH. And my future bride to be best friend with her lovely fiance. Which reminds me...special shout out to Kelsey and Andrew who will be happily married in exactly ONE MONTH from TODAY! Can't wait lovely lady! As for me and this weekend? Off to Birmingham in the UK to see the one and only Cadbury Chocolate World. Yes you read that right. A nice bus ride for a two day trip with 10 other girls from the program is exactly what I need after a long and tiring week. Details to come soon!! Until the chocolate filled week is over (we visited M&M World this week too) I will be drowning my body in large amounts of chocolate...don't tell coach! Love you all and miss you like crazy.

The Site-Seeing Softball Player

1 comment:

  1. thanks dear! we loved skyping you!! see you very very soon! love you!
