Sunday, September 8, 2013

It's Already September?

WOW I can't believe it is already September and "real life" is finally starting here. We have experienced so much in such a short period of time and I think we are starting to really feel emerged into the culture...I mean as much as we can be! Talking to friends from back home makes me think about a lot when it comes to culture. Everyone asks if I have adjusted or dealt with any culture shock and I don't really think I ever got it. Brie quickly pointed out that most of that probably has to do with the fact that I am in an English speaking place, but still it just doesn't feel all that different. Visiting beautiful and amazing sites is when it sinks in the most, but there are days when I am just sitting in a cafe or hanging out in the lounge and it hits me...I AM LIVING IN LONDON! haha and the past two weeks feels like two months. Anyways, things are great here and so much has happened since I blogged last, or at least I feel that way, so I am going to do a picture blog this time and share some tid bits about what has happened and everyday life here.

Okay, first things first...even though this has nothing to do with adventures and travel I have to show you all a little bit of my room since I never did the cliche room pictures. If you have skyped me then you have had a virtual tour, but anyways. This is my desk, where I spend some time and I have finally put up some pictures and reminders of home. It is nice to have these because I have the worlds GREATEST support group and truly believe that my time here will be the best because of the people near and far by my side.
This is the best picture I could get of the stage from The Sound of Music. I couldn't get a better picture because picture taking WAS NOT allowed. And this wasn't like the normal "pictures aren't allowed" but everyone does it anyways, I'm talking you whip a camera or phone out and there is a swarm squad telling you to put it away. But this was the stage at the Open Air theater we visited on Thursday and it was beautiful. The Sound of Music was GREAT and the actors/actresses were so great. It was very enjoyable and fabulous to watch, my grandpa would have loved it. I remember watching The Sound of Music with him when I was very little. 
Hamley's Toy Store...every kid's dream, or 20 year old girl. This toy store is SIX STORIES HIGH and has it's very own candy and milkshake shop. Yes I totally got a milk shake. I got the peanut butter nutter shake which was peanut butter, banana and nutella topped off with a swirl of vanilla soft serve. IT WAS AMAZING. And we spent a great amount of time in the candy shop as well, but the toys were magnificent as well. Just a fun place to go inside and burn a few hours.

And of course I ran into the Royal Family inside the toy store and they begged me for a picture so I said yes after they twisted my arm a bit. No. But I am on the hunt and when I see baby George you can find me on the news because I am a crazy fan who wants to be a member of that Royal Family! 
This evening I attended mass at St.Paul's Cathedral, it was beautiful. The mass was a little laid back which I was expecting the opposite but I think that is because it was a Sunday evening "Eucharist" so I need to get out of bed and go to the early morning ones to get the "full experience." But just being outside of this amazing building was moving in many ways. It was nice to be back in the church and such a historical one for that matter. 

Those are just a few blurbs from this week, we saw a lot because we had a program scavenger hunt on Friday night...lots of sight seeing. And my group was definitely acknowledged by many Brits as the "crazy Americans" due to our running at the end. We had to high tail it back so we could make it in time before it was too late to win. Totally worth running through London like a crazy person. Friday and Saturday nights we went and saw yet some more new night life places and they proved that London never ends and never stops going. The people here are great and the sites to see are even better. I can't wait to keep exploring and that will start with my FIRST DAY OF MY INTERNSHIP tomorrow morning. But it is almost 1:30am here and I need to get some rest for that. So I will post soon to explain all about my internship and yes, I do have a pretty large birthday on Tuesday...even in London we shall still celebrate the 21st. So until next time, thank you all and love is being sent. I lit a candle inside the cathedral for all my friends, family, followers, teammates and acquaintances back home in the US. 

From London,
Goodnight Mates!
The Site-Seeing Softball Player


  1. Good luck on your first day at your internship!!! So glad to see you're having so much fun:)

  2. The "candle" comment brought the first real tears to my eyes since you left! Love and miss you tons, I can't believe you are almost 21!

  3. Love both of you, can't wait to see you very soon. I will let you all know how my internship goes, about to head there soon and adventure onto the tube alone for the first I didn't sleep at all due to fear.

  4. Ahh, sounds like so much fun. But lets not get arrested for attacking baby George till after you come home in October! ;) haha! see you soon! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! love you!
