Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Best Bath of My Life

Hold on while I continue to try and pick my jaw up from the ground. Visiting Bath was seriously the BEST THING OF MY LIFE. It was so beautiful that I can't even begin to try and put it into words. Everything there was so great. It was nice to get away from the loud and busy London for a weekend and see something a little different, and Bath was just that. It felt like we were there for much longer than we were, but we arrived on Friday and headed back here on Sunday morning. So what did we do? Where did we stay? What was so beautiful about it? Well folks, you are about to find all of those answers and more!
We started our trip Friday morning where we went and saw Stonehenge. This was something that was simply awesome. The idea of this is great, nobody really knows how the stones got there or how they ended up perfectly the way they are so that the sun can shine through the middle. But I do know one thing, everyone goes here for one reason and one alone...TO TAKE PICTURES! There were tourists (Asians) everywhere and posing left and right. I actually saw a man who had to be 70 years old taking a tradish jumping picture in front of the stones...yes his wife snapped the moment for him. But anyways the stones were cool and it was quite the experience, we only stayed for about an hour because Mark and Jen have seen it many times and said an hour was plenty...they were right. 
 Then we headed to the hostel we would be staying at for the weekend...nice right? It was my first experience with a hostel and it was a great one. Unfortunately for me I do not think that every other hostel I stay at from here on out will be as nice, but a girl can dream. It was very friendly and clean and full of students, so the perfect place to lay our head and dream about Bath some more!
We headed out for lunch where we ran into a nice little bakery/sandwich shop to try a traditional pasty. It was DELICIOUS. A pasty is (in my best description) a croissant roll that is filled with beef, potatoes and sometimes other vegetables. But so good that I went back the next day for another. The best part? They were super cheap and very filling...BONUS.

 After a small break for food we met back up outside of the Bath Abbey and ventured our way into the Roman Baths. The Roman Baths are very old and unique. Basically people used to come here to take a bath and be cured of anything they had wrong with them. It's a huge coincidence because we were told not to touch the water or we could catch something. Ironic right? But they were super pretty and I loved how old it was, you had to be extra careful on the stones as you were walking. We even got to taste a little bit of the Bath water after the was filtered of course so no worries I will be alright!
And I took a tradish senior pic in front...should have come here my senior year. Dangit.
The next morning we went on a boat tour through Bath. Yes, that picture is real and too good to be true right? It should be on a post card or something, but no I took it and yes I got to ride on that gorgeous scene through the water! It was a dream come true. So pretty and perfect. After the ride we headed to prepare for the Rugby match. One of the guys in our program, Dan, plays Rugby and he (stupidly) bet me a drink that I could not drop kick a Rugby ball...and keep it going the right direction. I even told him that I used to play soccer and am a pitcher...I have a steel leg. But he still bet me and yes I proved him wrong on the second try, but it was okay because we said I had two in the bet. Bath won and the game was intense, those men are pretty strong guys...I mean it is basically football without the pads so yes, strong guys.
Our time in Bath was sadly over and we were headed to Avebury to see the stones there and the Avebury Manor home. This was neat, but I did get a little tired of looking at all these rocks. Also it was freezing outside and our tour guide was not the most interesting man ever, but we made it through. We went inside the house and looked around which was beautiful and very informational. And then we headed back for a three hour ride back on the bus. Overall, Bath was beautiful, fun, crazy, calm and unforgettable. I hope to go back someday and show my loved ones the whole deal. But until then I will remember it by the perfect pictures. As for this week? Internship and class is back on the schedule. Hopefully a little day trip this weekend to see some more sites and maybe eat some famous chocolate! Thanks again for all of the support and following. Love you all so much!

The Site-Seeing Softball Player

1 comment:

  1. obsessed with this! wahh I wish I was there! love you! :)
