Monday, October 28, 2013

Jet Lag? No Time!

So yes I just got back from an extravagant week in big deal right? haha But lets just go back in time to the Thursday before this amazing trip. Thursday, October 17th to be exact. I'm sure most of you already knew but in case you didn't this was the day that I was flying home (yes to the states) for my best friend's wedding! So Wednesday night came along...bags packed for a week now...and I was wide awake throughout the whole night. I mean could you sleep knowing that in 24 short hours you will be reunited with friends, family and US soil? Didn't think so! Thursday morning, 4:45am finally came and my alarm woke me from the lightest sleep of my life because today was finally THE DAY! I hopped down from my lofted bed and onto the ground I go, headed straight to the shower. Came out to find my roomie, Karlee, and neighbor Paige in the room excited to take me to the airport at 5:00 IN THE MORNING. haha so we head to Russell Square to catch the first tube ride of the morning. And to our surprise? It was really crowded!! Anyways we rode the tube to Heathrow where they took me all the way to security and we said our goodbyes. A (long) 7.5 hour ride to Toronto and then a short 2 hour ride to Kansas City was all I had in between my dad, four teammates and I reuniting at the Kansas City Airport. I survived them and yes we hugged and screamed and had  a great time! Want some proof? Look at how cute we are!!
So Thursday night I spent with my amazing teammates who came to see me...PRICELESS...and my lovely family, plus a little surprise from Ant. I could not have been more happy to have my friends in Kansas City with me for the short time I was home, we talked each others' ears off and then some. And want to know something funny? I stayed awake for about 26 hours straight! Yeah not even mad about it, love these girls to the moon and back! Friday morning I was sad to see them head back to Iowa, but I had family time to suck up and lots of wedding stuff to do!!

Friday was nails, nails and prepping the bride for her big day!...which if you know Kelsey at all consisted of nothing! haha talk about the worlds most calm bride! So we took it easy and relaxed, making sure she had things finished but wasn't stressing! Friday night was the rehersal and dinner and then back to my house for some family socializing. I GOT TO SEE GRANDMA! It was great to fill my grandma in on everything that I have done lately in the UK. Also got some great time in with Lisa and Dale and of course the good old Jeff! But off to bed early for me because Saturday was the big day!

Here are some pictures of the most perfect, wonderful, amazing, love-filled and adorable wedding in the world! Hands down the happiest bride and groom I have witnessed...SO HAPPY FOR YOU TWO!!
Getting ready for her big day. Can't believe I have been best friends with this beauty for so long and I got to witness her walk down the isle to the man of her dreams!!  
 The most flawless bride I have ever seen in the world! Even when her husband wiped cake icing all over her face at the reception! :) I love you to the moon and back Kelsey, your wedding was nothing but perfect!!
 My amazing family and support system! So lucky to call such a good looking group my family! They are amazing and I can't wait to be home and with them for the holidays!

So what happened after the wedding? Well we went home, full of alcohol and everything! haha The next morning I said my goodbyes to Grandma and Jeff as they headed back to Omaha. And then a few hours later goodbye to Anthony...but something I have learned is that it isn't goodbye but just until next time! So I will see this lovely bunch soon and it will be amazing! That afternoon I arrived at the airport with mom and dad where I was denied to board my first flight to Toronto where I was supposed to meet Phipps. YES IT HAPPENED AGAIN! After many tears, screaming and some flight rearranging I made it to Heathrow Airport at 12:00noon on Monday to meet Ashley Phipps for a week adventure in London/Italy! Now what about Italy? Well I have to keep you all on your toes for a bit longer because work is calling and Starbucks is kicking me out for the day! I promise Italy pictures and stories are on their way! Love you all and can't wait to share my adventures with you!!

The Site-Seeing Softball Player

1 comment:

  1. Anxiously awaiting the Italy blog, thinking gelato is going to be mentioned many times! Love you and miss you so much!
