Sunday, October 13, 2013

Don't have a title...

What in the world have I been doing here in London? Running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Yeah I know that is extreme for London, but yes I am doing it! This week flew by and I can't even figure out where it went. It is now Sunday evening-ish and I am about to chat with my lovely family. But Sunday evening Mallory? What happened to Monday-Saturday? That is my question! Monday and Tuesday were rather normal at my internship except, wait! I have some breaking news: I received my first official call at DBA....yes someone called the Design Business Association FOR ME! The receptionist phoned over to me to inform me that I had a call waiting and I just started at it. I was thinking am I supposed to answer that? Then I looked at her and she nodded so I picked up the phone to say hello but before I could talk, think or even better hear what she was saying she had transferred me over to the person calling. Who was I talking to and why did they call for me?! But then it hit me, I sent out emails to companies who need to get stuff in and they were from me personally so yes I got about eight more phone calls that day and every single one was just as terrifying! Brits are REALLY hard to understand over the phone, like REALLY HARD. Tuesday I also attended my first DBA event as a staff member which was interesting (Brits hate when you say interesting btw). I say interesting because I have not a better adjective for this event. It was great to be a part of something so official but I was sort of just a fly on the wall. But hey if you need any advice on how to make money at a large corporation, hit me up!! Wednesday and Thursday are pretty irrelevant as I just had class and class again but my professor on Wednesday was HILARIOUS. He was cracking jokes left and right and it just makes it even better that he is about 60 and just adorable...comes into class every time huffing and puffing with a full coat and jacket/tie with his glasses about to fall off, I think the stairs just do him in every time. But he is fun and super posh! Friday is a whole nother story! I went to a CASTLE! We took a trip with our program to Dover and Canterbury which was about an hour and a half commute out of London. Here are some great moments captured by me, myself and I...and some nice guy from Colorado!
 Dover Castle was the first place we visited. Of course while we were there good old Mother Nature decided to pour down on us, but we made the most of it. The castle was so beautiful and rustic, definitely nothing like in the Disney princess movies but that is a-okay with me! The castle had so many old underground tunnels and interesting things you could scavenge through, it was very fun!

And then we went on over to Canterbury to see the Cathedral there. We were supposed to take another trip to the White Cliffs of Dover, but due to the excessive amount of rain we had to cancel this from our agenda...what did we get in return? A free pint of alcoholic beverage on Central College. I swear they replace anything bad here with alcohol, but are any of us complaining? NOPE. So we toured the Cathedral, got some great fish and chips and then headed for our free alc. This was the end of a very long, cold and wet day but we got some great sight seeing in and lots of picture taking!

So what is on my schedule for this week? Well folks this is the week! Yes, I will be heading back home to the great USA for a short visit with friends, lots of catch-up with family and oh the main reason? MY BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING! You know there will be tons of blogging about that. And then what after I return to the UK? One day in London and FIVE in ITALY!!! Get ready for some master blogging about some of the best experiences of my life. Buckle your seat belts and hold on tight to your mouse because I am about to take on the if I haven't been already! Thanks for reading this cheesy thing.

Love you all.
The Site-Seeing Softball Player