Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Is This Real Life?

I am posting to let you all know that my life has officially turned into a fairy-tale. Tomorrow (Thursday, October 3, 2013) I will fall asleep in London, on a bus in case you were wondering, and wake up on Friday in...wait for it...PARIS!!! Yes folks it's really happening! I might have already planned to visit the Eiffel Tower at every hour of the day. I mean don't judge me, I want as many pictures in front of it as possible and duh I need different angles of the sunlight! Yes I am excited to say the least. I will be roaming the land of love and dreaming about love, love and more love! I also have very high expectations that I will meet a random and super weird dude with black hair who will be wearing a white button down and red art hat with a super super super French mustache and the only words he will say? Bonjour! Yep. Okay I am totally being a tourist but hey that's my job right? Totally! Anyways I am going to Paris and am ecstatic about it but am done rubbing it in...for now, once the trip is over all bets are off!

So how did I focus throughout this week knowing that Paris was waiting for me? I DIDN'T! This week at my internship and class was a bit of a struggle but I made it through. I had a lot of work again at the DBA but continue to learn more and more each day and got invited to my very first event next Tuesday as part of the staff! Eeeeeek! So there's that and let me tell you about another experience we had here in lovely London. We (my three teammates and I) were able to get ourselves kicked out of yet another area in which we visioned ourselves throwing and (them) hitting this semester. Yep. The perfect place, about 45 seconds from our room doors and still on the property of Woburn Place was turned to mush in less than two hours. (Let me paint a picture for you...this is right out the back door of our student lounge, through the designated smoking section, up a small flight of stairs and right there! Down from this glorious location? The rubbish area. Yes our brilliant and new softball field was a tunnel surrounded by brick walls and cement, to the right was a fence and above the "tunnel-like" strip sat an overhead of glass. Perfect location right? Well at least I couldn't throw any wild pitches! They would kill something.) Here's what happened...we headed out to this new location that Paige and I discovered one Wednesday when we were throwing. This was yesterday evening after we all had a long day at our internships, what better to soothe stress than some nice catch and pitching with three teammates? So out we go and things were rolling great until it happened. A ball flew over the brick wall in slow motion, it was like one of those shit is this really happening? moments. But then nothing happened! We were good! So Kallie went to retrieve the ball while I began to pitch to Paige. After a solid 40 minutes of pitching our world came crashing down. Out came one of the front desk girls and in went us, gloves and all. Apparently there had been noise complaints from students living in Woburn Place. Now my argument? Who complains about noise at 6:00pm? LAME-Os!!! So our next attempt? Regent's Park where we know that ball play is acceptable! Wish us luck!

Okay well I need to go finish packing for PARIS!!! Love you all and thanks for reading, hope you are as excited to hear about Paris as I am to live through it.

The Site-Seeing Softball Player

1 comment:

  1. Have a great great time in Paris, we all will be anxiously awaiting the pictures!
